Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP)


Picture of Mr. Adams
Picture of Mrs. Moore

Matt Adams

Teaching & Learning

Griffin Moore

Graphic Design


The Student Technology Leadership Program (STLP) empowers student learning and achievement through the use/creation of technology based solutions to school and community needs.

Student create projects, products or services to meet those needs and then demonstrate their process and learning via various STLP categories.  Categories range from instructional, technical or community service based projects to digital content creation (digital art, photography, design, programming, app development, robotics, etc.)  to technical services (student help desk, network engineering, wireless deployments, etc.).  The best projects, products and services are invited to compete at the STLP State Championship each spring — and event which drew 14,000+ participants at #STLP19.


STLP taps into the students’ interest and challenges/motivates them to explore new ways of learning and helping their school/community.  State sponsored events highlight the creative, logical, and often entrepreneurial, talents of students across the state.  In short, STLP provides a means for students to design, make, collaborate and learn through the general medium of technology and provides a platform for those 21st century college and career skills to be demonstrated.