Mechanical Engineering

This pathway prepares scholars to apply mathematical and scientific principles to the design, development, and operational evaluation of physical systems used in manufacturing and end-product systems for specific uses including machine tools, jigs, and other manufacturing equipment; stationary power units and appliances; engines; self-propelled vehicles; housing and containers; hydraulic and electric systems for controlling movement; and the integration of computers and remote control with operating systems. Mechanical engineers design, develop, build and test mechanical and thermal sensors and devices, including tools, engines, and machines. 


Industry Certifications:

  • FAA Remote Pilot Certificate
  • NOCTI CAD Foundations
  • FCR-01 FANUC Certified Robot Operator

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Picture of Mr. Lee

Robert Lee

Engineering, Automotive & Robotics

PH: 270-887-7030


Picture of Mr. Smith

Ben Smith

Engineering & Robotics

PH: 270-887-7030


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